Water Test da C4Hydro


A marca francesa C4Hydro está a lançar o Mini-Lab, o primeiro laboratório científico de bolso. Utilizado com os kits Water Test, pode detectar a presença de legionella e bactérias coliformes (incluindo E. coli) em tempo recorde. A inovação C4Hydro permite a todos testar a água no seu hotel, acampamento, lodge, ou pensão (duche, torneira, piscina e spa) e evitar a contaminação do público.
Desenvolvidos por cientistas do CNRS (Centro Nacional Francês de Investigação Científica), os testes C4Hydro são os únicos baseados na cultura bacteriana, como uma verdadeira análise laboratorial. Esta é uma inovação sem precedentes que garante resultados fiáveis tanto para profissionais como para indivíduos.

The French brand C4Hydro is launching the Mini-Lab, the first pocket scientific laboratory! Used with the Water Test range for the fast detection of bacteria, it allows everyone to check the water in their system and to obtain a result fully independently in only 24 to 48 hours.

A major breakthrough in controlling the health risk in water: C4Hydro, a specialist in the fast detection of bacteria in water, is launching its new Water Test range. It is intended for private individuals and for facilities which are open to the public such as hotels or campsites, who wish to be sure that their installation is free of contamination and that the users are safe.
All water systems and bathing locations can be colonised by pathogenic bacteria such as legionellae or coliforms such as Escherichia coli. They are the source of serious infections (legionellosis, acute gastroenteritis, meningitis, septicemia…). To respond to this health risk, C4Hydro has developed an innovative concept. The principle: take science out of the laboratories and widen access to the scientific tools in order to allow everyone to effectively check their water reliably, quickly and simply.
The innovation? The Mini-Lab, a pocket laboratory whose key element is a portable incubator. No larger than a smartphone, it reproduces the conditions of culturing microorganisms in a laboratory, which is the most reliable method of detecting bacteria. The technique is the same: C4Hydro has just simplified and adapted it for use by everyone, at home.
Having been designed by scientists with a background in the highest levels of French academia (CNRS: the French National Centre for Scientific Research) and redesigned for private individuals and professionals alike, two analysis kits are coming onto the market: the legionella detection kit and the coliforms detection kit (including Escherichia coli).


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