Real-Time Satellite Tracking and Surveillance with Smart Skipper’s Track Mate


New feature-rich satellite vessel tracking system to monitor vessels around the world with robust connectivity, security and control

Blue Guard Innovations (BGI), a global provider of remote boat monitoring and control solutions, announced a major addition to their Smart Skipper™ system. Delivering real-time satellite tracking and geofence alerts, the Track Mate works in conjunction with Automatic Identification Services (AIS) global satellite transponders to activate tracking at the first indication of theft.
Track Mate seamlessly integrates with Smart Skipper, enabling users to configure their system and remotely arm and disarm security functions. Real-time alert notifications and automatic AIS activation upon unauthorized entry and/or geofence violation assist in the recovery of the vessel by GPS and satellite tracking. For further security deterrence measures, users can connect siren horns, lights and cameras that will automatically activate upon intrusion. Smart Skipper’s cloud system provides users with worldwide access to their vessel’s information via computer or mobile device.
In the case of primary power loss, Track Mate is self-contained with a five-day rechargeable battery backup that is fully capable of powering and taking complete control over the satellite transponder. Offering secure and reliable location-based services, Track Mate is well-suited for open central cockpit fishing and recreational boats as well as large vessels.


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